Visualizing any concept is one of the best ways to learn. I have created a mindmap for Scrum, that covers all the concepts of Scrum, in one giant map.
Make sure to download the Full Mindmap that is available after the instruction steps and then Zoom in until it is easily readable. (To download — Right Click on the image -> Save as) — Please note: Needs Full-HD to view the map cleanly.
This one mindmap is equivalent to an entire book that you would read on Scrum. The concepts of this map are taken from
How to use this map?
As this is a giant map, it can be overwhelming. Where to start? Where to look first? After downloading the Full map, make sure to look at the instruction steps on how to use the map.
Step 1: Start here! — Scroll to the middle of the mind map and locate the word ‘Scrum’. Understand in general what it is and what it isn’t
Step 2: Know the Pillars that make up Scrum
Step 3: Know Where Scrum is useful for
Step 4: Know the various Roles in Scrum
Step 5: Know the Events Scrum Contains and the rules for each event
Final Step : Know the Artifacts of Scrum